Monday, November 11, 2013


... for gentrification to catch up.
And, don't forget: there's still time to vote for your favorite entries in the Ghostsigns calendar competition over at Facebook.  We have 5 entries, (although one is a duplicate), and by the latest tallies, our Barq's Root Beer is in third place, with the Ice Cream Parlor/Carpets sign tied for fourth.  The Hotel Clarke may still be in the running, but it will be close, and the Mockbee entry, isn't doing all that well.
Still, having Cincinnati, Ohio, and perhaps Hastings, Nebraska, represented on an international calendar won't be half bad, eh?
(For your convenience, here's a quick look at our entries:)
Tell your friends!


  1. The hand-painted signs on this building are some of my favorites in OTR. I pass by here all the time and have been watching the work going on inside and on this block. I don't know the fate of this building, but something's in the works.

    1. I've got something special from this same street (Pleasant) coming up. And, something from Mount Auburn in the same vein as this that you might enjoy.
