Saturday, April 15, 2023


 Regular visitors to this blog will recognize 

that we strongly encourage revisiting signs.

Here's why.

We'd often argued there was lettering beneath the red paint

here at 12th and Republic. And they laughed at us.

But just recently, those letters have started to become more legible.

And who's laughing now?? Huh? Who's laughing now???

Here's another you might recognize. It's on McMicken, by the Rothenburg School.

The letter has clarified itself to the point where we can now read Bull Durham,
a once popular brand of chewing tobacco. 

There's also the arrow on the right, pointing people straight ahead,
which suggests the writing across the top is the name of a local market.

Another favorite where the yellow has faded, revealing another sign beneath.

Granted, the signs may not have changed all that much, but the cameras
in our phones certainly have improved.

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