Thursday, May 23, 2024

The best for last


Our sharp-eyed friend Ms. J. Fiesta spotted 
this one earlier in the day from a moving car.

We weren't able to catch back up with it
until the evening, and the lighting does
it no favor. Unreadable in daylight too.

Yes, you see the couch and you think to yourself
"Is this indoors?"
It is.

On the second floor of a bar called
"The Social View" we found this.
But is it real?

It certainly looks authentic and a woman at the bar
attested to it, but she had been drinking.

We're just a little suspicious because 
of the way the structure is built.
It's hard to explain.

Long time readers will recognize
when we travel and grab a 
lot of ghost signs, we always
save the best for last.

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